Driving a car, flying a plane, sailing in a boat, riding on a motor-bike or cyclying to explore places and using these modes of transportation is very similar to surfing the Net on your personal computer.
They are all machines which we have to learn to control and navigate on the road, in the air or on water. You can also use your personal speed-boat, yacht or private jet for travelling if you own one.
To surf on the Internet, you need only your PC, notebook, PDA or other Internet-enabled wireless devices which are now commonplace and affordable. You can also have time-sharing with other members of the family or with friends.
Going back to basics, the following pictorial guides are for the benefit of novice computer users. Once the user becomes familiar with the use of the computer, surfing the Internet is a breeze.
For computer "newbies", you can also go here , here ,and here to learn more. Computer lessons (most of these sites are created by other users to share the webcontent with beginners) are found all over the Internet.